Happy New Year and we hope that better and better things await us all in the
New Year!

Higher Food Costs in 2021 and 2022
While the cost of many foods such as beef chicken and other seafoods have risen for all of us in the past year and months we are pleased to continue providing you with a Bacalhau offering with pricing relatively unchanged in the past 2 years and some incredible bulk purchase options thanks to the business volume and loyalty of customers like you.
In the U.S. some surveys indicate that as much as 32% of the food we purchase goes to waste.

As we become evermore conscious of our environmental footprint, salt cod exists as a sustainable and efficient food source due to its versatility and shelf life.
Unlike other foods, it is caught wild not farmed, it is typically not transported by air like other seafood and there is a market for virtually every part of the fish including the bones and leftover salt used from the curing.
The resulting product you purchase has over 1000 ways to enjoy including great leftover recipes. (https://casadebacalhau.com/recipes/)

After all, Bacalhau is our Fiel Amigo (Faithful Friend) its Portuguese nickname as through the ages its reputation as a reliable and food source. Whether that was feeding sailors on the long sea voyages or secure way of food preservation when refrigeration methods were not available. (https://casadebacalhau.com/why-bacalhau/)
Thanks to our new site we have more videos available for your enjoyment. Here are some links:
Recipe Demonstration Bread Crusted Salted Cod Casserole
Taking apart Center Loins (Flaking):